
  1. Feeling stressed or anxious at an inability to access the Internet? Don't worry, you're not alone and now there's a word for it: "discomgoogolation."
  2. Nearly half of Britons -- 44 percent -- are discomgoogolation sufferers, according to a survey, with over a quarter -- 27 percent -- admitting to rising stress levels when they are unable to go online.
  3. "The proliferation of broadband has meant for the first time in history we've entered a culture of 'instant answers,"' said psychologist Dr David Lewis, who identified discomgoogolation by measuring heart rates and brainwave activity.
  4. The term comes from "discombobulate," which means to confuse or frustrate, and Google.
  5. "A galaxy of information is just a mouse click away and we have become addicted to the web," added Lewis. "When unable to get online, discomgoogolation takes over.
  6. "It was surprising to see the stress this led to brain activity and blood pressure in participants both increase in response to being cut off from the Internet."
  7. The survey also found 76 percent of Britons could not live without the Internet, with over half of the population using the web between one and four hours a day and 19 percent of people spending more time online than with their family in a week.
  8. Forty-seven percent of those polled believed the Internet was more important in people's lives than religion, with one in five people paying the Internet more attention than their partner.
  9. Commissioned by information service 118118, the YouGov poll questioned 2,100 Britons during the first week of July.

  • 上不了网就会觉得焦躁不安?别担心,你并不是个特例,如今很多人都有这种“谷歌依赖症(discomgoogolation)”。
  • 据一项调查显示,近一半的英国人(44%)患有“谷歌依赖症”,超过四分之一的人(27%)承认自己在上不了网时会感到压力增大。
  • 心理学博士大卫-刘易斯说:“宽带网络的普及让人们有史以来首次进入了一个‘速答’文化时代。”刘易斯博士通过测量人的心率和脑波变化识别“谷歌依赖症”。
  • “Discomgooglation”一词是“discombobulate”(混乱、丧气)和Google(搜索引擎“谷歌”)两个词的合成。
  • 刘易斯说:“如今,你只要轻轻一点鼠标,无数资讯就尽在眼前,我们已经对网络产生了依赖,一旦上不了网,就会感到坐立不安。”
  • “没想到上不了网产生的压力竟然会引起人大脑活动的加速和血压升高。”
  • 此外,调查发现,76%的英国人称自己离开网络活不下去,超过一半的人每天的上网时间为一至四个小时,19%的人每周上网的时间比与家人共处的时间还要多。
  • 47%的受访者认为,在生活中网络的意义大于宗教信仰;五分之一的人对网络的关注多于自己的伴侣。
  • 受118118信息服务台的委托,英国YouGov民意调查机构在7月的第一周共对2100位民众进行了调查。

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