K. Esther Szabo was a small child when the recession of the early 1970s sent her family's fortunes into a tailspin. Her father, an economist, struggled to find work, and her mother worried about paying the bills. The family eventually filed bankruptcy.

The tensions at home put a permanent mark on Ms. Szabo. To help her family, she started working at age 8, doing chores for neighbors, and has been working ever since. When a personal-finance class in college introduced her to the idea that calamities like the one that crippled her family could be avoided with careful planning, she found the idea 'mind-blowing,' she says. She now co-owns a Los Altos, Calif., financial-planning firm.

In this current recession, we may be creating a new generation of Ms. Szabos. Economic downturns leave enduring marks on the career prospects and aspirations of children. Some youngsters will face lasting setbacks, while others will emerge more focused and motivated, based on studies of past recessions. The outcome depends partly on a child's age, on the example set by parents, and on whether young people can be empowered somehow to help their families through the crisis.

College students may be among the hardest-hit. Graduates who entered the job market in the recession of the early 1980s made significantly less money for at least a decade, compared with those who graduated in more prosperous times, says a study by Yale University's Lisa Kahn. Another study, a 21-year look at 39,000 father-son pairs published last year in the Journal of Labor Economics, found sons whose fathers were laid off had annual earnings 9% lower than comparable youths whose fathers kept their jobs. Recession-era grads also tended to remain stuck in lower-prestige jobs, even after the economy recovered, Dr. Kahn found. While the reasons aren't clear, some may have invested too much in their original jobs to try to move to a more prestigious job and start anew when the economy picked up. Others may have felt loyalty to the employers that harbored them in hard times.

Small children, too, are vulnerable psychologically in ways that shape their aspirations. Glen Elder, a professor of sociology at the University of North Carolina, found in studies of the Great Depression that the self-image of small children of that era was shaped by the morale of their same-sex parent. Amid the traditional gender roles of the time, young boys suffered most, from seeing their fathers deprived of work and a sense of identity, says Dr. Elder, author of 'Children of the Great Depression.' Because preschoolers and pre-teens were too young to understand the causes or to help out financially, they risked growing up with 'a lack of initiative, of confidence, of self-efficacy,' he says.

Those who fared best, Dr. Elder says, were teenagers when the downturn hit -- young enough to avoid the worst blows, but old enough to work for pay. 'They were in an opportune time . . . to pick up some of the lessons of the period,' he says. Depression-era hardships also led youths from hard-hit families to grow up faster; many committed to a vocation shortly after high school, earlier than offspring of more prosperous families.

Past isn't necessarily prologue, of course. Also, applying the lessons of the past will be hard; kids today who try to find work face tall hurdles, with teen employment hitting new lows, says Andrew Sum, director of Northeastern University's Center for Labor Market Studies.

Nevertheless, parents are already finding lessons in the current troubles. Based on a study of 77 white-collar layoff victims published last year in the journal Social Forces, jobless parents are urging children to equip themselves to survive hard times, by developing transferable skills or learning to be entrepreneurs.

With luck, many youngsters will take the cue. 'It's a joy for me,' says Ms. Szabo, the financial planner, 'when I help people see they don't have to be a victim' of a bad economy. A big reward, she adds, is seeing anxious customers leave her office with renewed confidence in their plans for the future.

上世纪70年代初期的经济衰退让K·埃丝特·萨博(K. Esther Szabo)的家庭陷入了困境,那时她还只是个小孩子。她的父亲是一位经济学者,整日为找工作而奔波,而母亲则为维持这个家的生计而担 。最终,萨博一家还是入不敷出,宣告破产。

生活上的压力在萨博身上打下了永久的烙印。为了减轻家里的负担,她8岁就开始打工赚钱,先是为邻居做家务,从那以后就一直在工作。大学的个人理财课程让她明白,如果细心规划,她家遭遇的那些不幸是可以避免的。她说,这一发现让她“茅塞顿开”。现在,她是加利福尼亚州洛斯阿图斯市(Los Altos)一家理财规划公司的共同拥有人。

Getty Images眼下的经济衰退可能造就新一代的萨博。经济衰退会对孩子们的职业前景和未来理想产生持久的影响:研究显示,有些年轻人将遭受难以摆脱的挫折感,而另一些人则会变得更加目标明确、全力以赴。造成不同结果的原因在一定程度上取决于孩子的年龄、父母的示范作用以及这些年轻人能否通过某种方式帮助他们的家庭度过危机。

大学生或许是遭受打击最严重的人群之一。耶鲁大学(Yale University)莉萨·卡恩(Lisa Kahn)的一项研究表明,80年代初经济萧条时期进入就业市场的大学毕业生与在好年头参加工作的大学生相比,他们的工资收入至少在十年内都要比后者少得多。针对3.9万对父子进行的另一项为期21年的研究表明,如果父亲失去了工作,那么来自这些家庭的孩子们每年的收入要比那些父亲有工作的孩子们低9%。该研究成果去年发表在《劳动经济学》(Journal of Labor Economics)杂志上。卡恩发现,即使经济复苏,衰退期毕业的大学生们也往往继续从事那些低收入的工作。尽管确切原因还不清楚,但有些人可能对原来的工作投入了太多,以至于经济好转时也难以找到一份收入更高的工作重新开始。还有些人可能觉得应该对雇主忠诚,因为他们在经济困难的时候为自己提供了避风港。

小孩子们在心理上同样容易受到冲击,从而影响到他们未来的志向。北卡罗来纳大学(University of North Carolina)社会学教授、《大萧条时期的孩子们》(Children of the Great Depression)一书的作者格伦·埃尔德(Glen Elder)在对大萧条的研究中发现,小孩子们自我形像的形成深受其父母中同性别一方精神状态的影响。按照当时传统的性别定位,男孩子受到的影响最大,因为他们看到父亲丢掉了工作,同时也失去了社会认同感,埃尔德说。那些学龄前或是还不到十岁的孩子们年龄太小,还难以理解生活困难的原因,也不能在经济上对家庭有所帮助,所以他们在成长过程中有可能遭遇“缺乏主观能动性、自信和自我效能信念”的风险。


当然,过去的事情并不能代表现在和未来。东北大学(Northeastern University)劳动力市场研究中心主任安德鲁·萨姆(Andrew Sum)说,以过去得到的经验教训来应对今天的危机也并不容易;如今,找工作的孩子们面临着很高的门槛──青少年的就业率已再创新低。

尽管如此,家长们还是已经从当前的困境中汲取教训了。根据《社会力量》(Social Forces)期刊去年发表的对77名失业白领的研究,这些失去工作的家长们要求孩子们掌握综合技能或学会自己创业,做好应对危机的准备。










SWEDEN'S future queen will marry her boyfriend next year, the royal court announced yesterday, ending years of speculation.

The court announced the engagement of Crown Princess Victoria to Daniel Westling after informing government ministers at Stockholm's waterfront royal palace.

The wedding will take place "in the early summer of 2010," the royal court said.

Victoria, 31, is first in line to succeed her father, King Carl XVI Gustaf, to the Swedish throne. She and Westling, a 35-year-old gym owner, became a couple in 2002. Wedding rumors have mounted since July last year, when Westling moved to the royal family's residence outside Stockholm.

The court said Westling would assume the title Prince Daniel, Duke of Vastergotland, after the wedding.

The king had given his consent and requested the approval of the government, in line with Sweden's constitution, the court said.

The duties of the figurehead monarch, who has no political power, revolve mostly around representing the nation and receiving foreign dignitaries. He also hands out the prestigious Nobel Prizes every year.

Royal expert Jenny Alexandersson, who has reported on the crown princess for celebrity magazine Svensk Damtidning since 2003, said the wedding would be "fantastic" for Sweden, especially considering the current economic crisis.

"The fact that Sweden's heir to the throne will marry will give echoes around the world. It will be a great big wedding with more than 1,000 guests, including representatives from all big royal families."














 极速前进(The Amazing Race),是一个真人秀节目,一群人环游世界进行竞速比赛。CBS从2001年开始按季播出。比赛从美国开始,也在美国结束。各队必须按照信息提示周游世界。


  首播日期:2001-9-5 美国

  国家/地区: 美国

  类型: 动作/游戏秀/真人秀/冒险

  对白语言: 阿拉伯语/英语/法语/毛利语/西班牙语/粤语/北印度语/俄语/匈牙利语

  字幕文件:中文 http://www.ifuzhu.com/

  发行公司: CBS Television

  出品人杰里·布鲁克海默(Jerry Bruckheimer)

  制片人Bert van Munster

  导演: Hans van Riet ....(11 episodes, 2001)

  编剧: Jennifer Basa ....(2 episodes, 2004-2005)

  Elise Doganieri ....(unknown episodes)

  Bill Pruitt ....(unknown episodes)

  Bert Van Munster ....(unknown episodes)

  主持人:菲尔·基欧汉(Phil Keaghan)

  队伍:《极速前进》的11支队伍 (第3,4,10季是12支)由2名有一定关系的队员组成。(第8季为家庭版4人一组共10组)

金钱:  每段赛程的开始,每个队伍会拿到一定的金钱,通常是美元,每段提供的金钱不同,从1美元到100美元都可能,在比赛中,所有的开支只能从这些钱里面扣。但是飞机票可以用信用卡支付。每段赛程余下的钱可以被用在以后的赛程中。

Route Information:路线信息
  路线信息是指引队伍将要去的地方的信息。这个信息一般只告诉各队下一个目的地;至于怎么去,各队自己解决。 但是有些信息指定了交通方式。路线信息会指示出下一个目的地,可能是其他国家的某个城市,可能是当地的某个位置,也可能是中途站或者终点的位置。

Road Block:路障

Fast Forward: 快进



让路权可以让一个队伍使另外一队停止前进一定的时间。要使用让路权,需要在让路权标示处(在某任务指示处附近)将被让路的队伍的标志放上。 当被让路的队伍到达时,他们必须倒转沙漏,等沙子倒尽后才可以继续。和快进一样,每队只能使用一次让路权,每一季只有两个赛段可以使用让路.

Intersection: 十字路口

U-Turn: 旋转  


Speed Bump:减速带  


Pit Stop:中途站(加油站)  



  第1季中, 在撒哈拉由于沙尘暴滞留60小时;
  第7季中, 在博茨瓦纳滞留14小时;
  第8季中, 在哥斯达黎加滞留20小时; 在兰开斯特滞留超过12小时, 但具体时间不祥;
  第9季中, 在阿曼滞留24小时;

  中继站免费提供给选手食物。最后到达中继站的队伍会被淘汰,在非淘汰赛段除外。在某些赛段,最先到达的队伍会在比赛结束后拿到额外奖品,例如免费旅游,数码相机等等。在第6季中,每段比赛都有奖品。 第7季只有部分赛段有奖品。

  各队要完成比赛并且避免最后到达中继站。最后到达的队伍会被淘汰,如果其他队伍都已到达,而剩下的一队差很远,路线提示会告诉他们中继站的位置。(Peggy和Claire,Shola 和 Doyin, Mary合Peach,第2季)。主持人菲尔·基奥汉有时也会到该队的跟前宣布淘汰(Marshall和Lance, 第5季,Lena和Kristy, 第6季,Toni和Dallas,第13季).


  每季比赛都有几个非淘汰赛段,在这些赛段中最后到达中继站的队伍不会被淘汰,可以继续比赛。各队不会被告知哪些赛段非淘汰赛段。从第十季开始,非淘汰赛段的最后一队将会被待定,如果这一队不能在下一个赛段获得第一名,将会有三十分钟的延时,如果延时中有其他队伍到达导致其成为最后一名,该队也将被淘汰。在第1季到第4季中,淘汰赛指示中继站的路线信息会写上:"最后到达的队伍会被淘汰",非淘汰赛段则没有这些字,从第5季开始,这行字改成了"最后到达的队伍可能会被淘汰" ,第一赛段除外。


“未完待续”赛段  第6季出现了第一个2倍长赛段,之后的每一季节目中也都会出现双重赛段。这个赛段有两个绕道和路障。主持人 菲尔·基奥汉在类似中继站的中点站告诉他们下一个目的地。

  第6季第一次引入了双倍长度的赛段,于是前半赛段会以一条“未完待续”的信息作为赛段结束标志,而不是以往的终点;而后半赛段会出现第二个路障和绕道任务。在第7、8、9季的加长赛段各队会在比赛中途在往常的铺在终点的地毯上见到主持人 Phil Keoghan,他们并未如往常一样被记录下时间而是从他手中得到了下一个线索。在极速前进第10季中,这个加长赛段中主持人并未出现,取而代之的是在下一个线索中被要求“继续前进!!!”(KEEP RACING!!!)。另外,第8季的2小时的大结局同第6季的加长赛段类似。一般来说,这样的双倍长度赛段很容易辨别,因为各队得到的线索上写道:“到地毯处找Phil” (Go find Phil at the mat)而不是“前往下一个终点”。在双倍赛段的两个半部分之间没有休息时间, 一般会设计让队伍在长时间的火车或飞机旅程中吃饭、休息。



  1.各队必须买经济舱的机票,或者付经济舱的钱而去商务舱或头等舱。(Frank和Margarita, 第1季; Reichen 和Chip, 第4季; Ray和Deana, 第7季).

  2.队伍不可以向认识的人求助。只可以向当地人,旅行社,航空公司等求助。 (第3季有一个例外,各队可以在结束绕道后和家人通话)


  4.故意违背线索指示,罚24小时(Nancy和Emily, 第1季).



  7/任何延误他队的行为,例如偷别队的车 (Don和Mary Jean,第6季).

  8.放弃路障,在下一个队伍到达时开始罚4小时。(Hayden和Aaron, 第6季; Rob 和Amber, Ray和Deana, Meredith 和Gretchen, 第7季).





  三支队伍会进入最终赛段。第一部分是要去一个较难到达的目的地。第二部分是让队员去向位于美国某个大城市的终点。三支队伍要按照提示去向终点,主持人菲尔·基欧汉和其他被淘汰的队伍会在那里等待他们到来。第一个到达终点的队伍会拿到1百万美元的奖金,其他队伍会根据名次拿到一定奖金。有时候。第三名落后太远,当前两名到达后,他们会直接在信息提示站收到比赛结束的消息(Joe and Bill,第1季; David and Jeff,第4季)。
To an Isle in the Water

Shy one, shy one,

Shy one of my heart,

She moves in the firelightPensively apart.

She carries in the dishes,

And lays them in a row.

To an isle in the waterWith her would I go.

She carries in the candles,

And lights the curtained room,

Shy in the doorwayAnd shy in the gloom;

And shy as a rabbit,Helpful and shy.

To an isle in the waterWith her would I fly.

Love is more thicker than forget 

More thinner than recall
More seldom than a wave is wet 
More frequent than to fail 
It is most mad and moonly 
And less it shall unbe
Than all the sea which only 
Is deeper than the sea 
Love is less always than to win 
Less never than alive 
Less bigger than the least begin 
Less littler than forgive
It is most sane and sunly
And more it cannot die
Than all the sky which only
Is higher than the sky  


When love beckons to you, follow him, though his ways are hard and steep. And when his wings enfold you, yield to him, though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you. And when he speaks to you, believe in him, though his voice may shatter your dreams as the north wind lays waste the garden.

For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you. Even as he is for your growth so is he for your pruning. Even as he ascends to your height and caresses your tenderest branches that quiver in the sun, so shall he descend to our roots and shake them in their clinging to the earth.

But if, in your fear, you would seek only love’s peace and love’s pleasure, then it is better for you that you cover your nakedness and pass out of love’s threshing-floor, into the seasonless world where you shall laugh, but not all of your laughter, and weep, but not all of your tears. Love gives naught but it self and takes naught but from itself. Love possesses not, nor would it be possessed, for love is sufficient unto love.

Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself. But if you love and must have desires, let these be your desires:

To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night.

To know the pain of too much tenderness.

To be wounded by your own understanding of love;

And to bleed willingly and joyfully.

To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving;

To rest at the noon hour and meditate love’s ecstasy;

To return home at eventide with gratitude;

And then to sleep with a payer for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise upon your lips.

Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love. One day it was announced to the feelings that the island would sink, so all constructed boats and left. Except for Love.

Love was the only one who stayed. Love wanted to hold out until the last possible moment.
When the island had almost sunk, Love decided to ask for help.

Richness was passing by Love in a grand boat. Love said,

"Richness, can you take me with you?"

Richness answered, "No, I can't. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. There is no place here for you."

Love decided to ask Vanity who was also passing by in a beautiful vessel. "Vanity, please help me!"

"I can't help you, Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat," Vanity answered.

Sadness was close by so Love asked, "Sadness, let me go with you."

"Oh . . . Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!"

Happiness passed by Love, too, but she was so happy that she did not even hear when Love called her.

Suddenly, there was a voice, "Come, Love, I will take you." It was an elder. So blessed and overjoyed, Love even forgot to ask the elder where they were going. When they arrived at dry land, the elder went her own way. Realizing how much was owed the elder, Love asked Knowledge, another elder, "Who Helped me?"

"It was Time," Knowledge answered.

"Time?" asked Love. "But why did Time help me?"

Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and answered, "Because only Time is capable of understanding how valuable Love is."





Happy Valentine's Day ?@^o^@

Love keeps the cold out better than a cloak.


Take away love, and our earth is a tomb.


My heart is with you.


I miss you so much already and I haven't even left yet!


I'll think of you every step of the way.


Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you.


Passionate love is a quenchless thirst.


The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is
a woman's heart.

One word frees us of all the weight and pain in life.That word is love.


Every day without you is like a book without pages.

Love is hard to get into, but harder to get out of.


Love is a light that never dims.

She who has never loved, has never lived.


Life is the flower for which love is the honey.


No words are necessary between two loving hearts.

Precious things are very few in this world. That is the reason there is just one you.


You make my heart smile.
Phelps admits 'bad behavior' after cannabis pic

News of the World, a British newspaper publishes a photo which shows Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps is inhaling from a glass pipe which is generally used to smoke the drug.

Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps admitted Sunday that he had engaged in "regrettable" behavior and "demonstrated bad judgment" after a photo was published that appeared to show him smoking cannabis.

A British newspaper, the News of the World, published the photo allegedly showing the multiple Olympic gold medal-winner inhaling from a glass pipe which is generally used to smoke the drug.

"I engaged in behavior which was regrettable and demonstrated bad judgment," Phelps said in a statement.

"I'm 23 years old, and despite the successes I have had in the pool, I acted in a youthful and inappropriate way, not in a manner that people have come to expect from me.

"For this, I am sorry. I promise my fans and the public -- it will not happen again."

The newspaper said the picture was taken on November 6, almost three months after Phelps won an historic eight gold medals at the Beijing Olympics, when he went to a party at the University of South Carolina.

USA Swimming, the national governing body for the sport, said it was disappointed by Phelps' admission.

"We are certainly disappointed in Michael's behavior. Our Olympic champions are role models who are looked up to by people of all ages, especially young athletes who have their own aspirations and dreams," USA Swimming said in a statement.

"That said, we realize that none among us is perfect. We hope that Michael can learn from this incident and move forward in a positive way."

The US Olympic Committee also expressed disappointment in the swimmer, who on January 22 was named the USOC's Sportsman of the Year for making Olympic history in Beijing by collecting the most golds won by any athlete at a single Games, giving him a career total of 14 golds.

"We are disappointed in the behavior recently exhibited by Michael Phelps.

"Michael is a role model, and he is well aware of the responsibilities and accountability that come with setting a positive example for others, particularly young people. In this instance, regrettably, he failed to fulfill those responsibilities," the USOC said.

The photograph shows Phelps, wearing a white t-shirt and a baseball cap back to front, holding the pipe -- known as a bong -- to his lips and apparently inhaling.

The tabloid quoted a partygoer as saying: "You could tell Michael had smoked before. He grabbed the bong and a lighter and knew exactly what to do."(Agencies)

菲尔普斯承认吸食大麻 向公众致歉













